Laurie Ide, the author of the best selling Hawaiian Lei Making and Hawaiian Seed Lei Making shares her expertise as a long-time florist to present 32 classic contemporary flower arrangement designs that even a beginner can do. The guide details three different styles of flower arranging: American, European and Oriental. Over 100 detailed photographs accompany the easy-to-follow directions. A photographic chart of popular tropical flowers and foliage is included, as well as care and handling tips, equipment and supply suggestion, an explanation of the principals of flower design and a color wheel.
American Style Arrangements
- Triangle (Symmetrical) Design
- Radiating Triangle Design
- Right & Left Triangle Design
- Scalene Triangle Design
- Vertical Design
- Crescent (“C” Curve) Design
- Hogarth (“S” Curve) Design
- Round Design
- Low and Long (Oval) Design
European Style Arrangements
- Grouping
- Parallelism
- Framing
- Layering
- Landscape
- New Convention
- Colonial
- Pavè
- Biedermier
- Flemish
- Hand-Tied
Oriental Style Arrangements
- Shoka
- Modern Rikka (Shimputai)
- Heika
- Moribana
- Basic Upright-Style Nageire
- Basic Slanting-Style Nageire
- Juuka or Jiyuka
Author: Laurie Shimizu Ide