Local chef Susan Yuen presents a colorful assortment of her most appetizing and visually appealing bento creations that will make lunch a one-of-a-kind treat for even the pickiest of eaters. These bento masterpieces collected in this compact edition make the perfect gift for anyone who wants to spice up their child’s lunch with some imagination and fun.
Flying Friends
Bees with Shrimp Tempura and Soba
Ladybug Hamburger
Dragonfly Saimin with Slow Cooker Okinawan-Style Shoyu Pork
Chicken with Imitation Crab Rolled Omelet
Furry Friends
Sheep Rice with Pan-Fried Pork Chops
Bear Shrimp Fried Rice
Mice with Corned Beef Hash and Potato Macaroni Salad
Mandoo Mice
Dog Musubi with SPAM Hot Dog Rolled Omelet
Scrumptious Sammies
Sister and Brother Bear Sandwiches
Train Sandwiches
Alien Kalua BBQ Pork Sandwich
Keiki Sandwich
Butterfly Sandwich
Island Life
Corndog People
Coral Reef Animals and Tamago with Green Onions
Crabs with Chicken Stir-Fry with Hoisin Sauce and String Beans
Hot Dog and Meatballs Keiki
Coconuts with Braised Asian Short Ribs with Maui Onion Sauce
Rice ‘N More
Doggie Bone SPAM Musubi
School Bus SPAM Musubi
Pumpkin Patch with Tamago and Fried Chicken Drumettes
Fish with Homemade Chicken Breast Nuggets
Police Car and Kabocha with Shiitake Mushrooms and Pork
Piggy with Chinese-Style Corn Soup
Two Little Pigs with Oyako Donburi
Teriyaki Hamburgers
Braised Asian Short Ribs with Maui Onion Sauce
Corned Beef Hash
Slow Cooker Kalua Pork
Slow Cooker Okinawan-Style Shoyu Pork
Chinese-Style Corn Soup
Fried Mandoo
BBW Kalua Pork
Pan-Fried Pork Chops
Kabocha with Shiitake Mushrooms and Pork
Oyako Donburi
Hamemade Chicken Breast Nuggets
Fried Chicken Drumettes
Shirmp Tempura
Garlic Shrimp Fried Rice
Stir-Fry Sauces
Rolled Omelet
Potato Macaroni Salad
Author: Susan Yuen