A young boy named ‘Eleu gathers ‘opihi when he comes across a kapa cloth floating in the ocean. It is a cloak stamped with the markings of shark fins. Taking it to show his father, he soon learns that the cloak belongs to Nanaue, a quiet and mysterious old man in their village. ‘Eleu and his friends embark on a journey of discovery as they head towards Nanaue’s hut to return the cloak. Finding the hut empty and the hunched old man nowhere in sight, the boys enter and find a hidden entrance to a cave that leads down towards the ocean. What they find at the bottom of the tunnel changes their lives forever. Not only do they learn the secret that has haunted Nanaue’s family, but they learn the importance of understanding and appreciating other’s differences and how one simple act can lead to a great friendship.
Written with humor and energy, Auntie U’i retells the classic story of the Shark Man of Hana as it was told to her as a young child by her tutu. Local artist Roy Chang captures the curiosity and innocence of the young boys and the excitement and action of their adventure with his colorful watercolors.
Author: U’i Goldsberry
Illustrator: Roy Chang
Translation to Hawaiian: David Del Rocco