Hawai‘i’s mysthical past lives in the Battle of the Owls, the transformation of the pig-man Kamapua‘a, the strifes of the demigod Maui, the diminutive Menehune, and the legendary healers of old. First published in 1907, this collection by Thomas G. Thrum brought together a series of legends printed in The Hawaiian Annual by noted folklorists Emerson, Forbes, Gibson, Hyde, Nakuina, and Poepoe. New cover in 2004!
- Legends Resembling Old Testament History (Rev. C. M. Hyde, D.D.)
- Exploits of Maui (Rev. A. O. Forbes)
- Snaring the Sun
- The Origins of Fire
- Pele and the Deluge (Rev. A. O. Forbes)
- Pele and Kahawali (From Ellis’s “Tower of Hawaii”)
- Hiku and Kawelu (J. S. Emerson)
Location of the Lua o Milu - Lonopuha; or, Origin of the Art of Healing in Hawaii (Translated by Thos. G. Thrum)
- A Visit to the Spirit Land; or, The Strange Experience of a Woman in Kona, Hawaii (Mrs. E. N. Haley)
- Kapeepeekauila; or, The Rocks of Kana (Rev. A. O. Forbes)
- Stories of the Menehunes: Hawaii the Original Home of the Brownies (Thos. G. Thrum)
Moke Manu’s Account
Pi’s Watercourse
Laka’s Adventure
Kekupua’s Canoe
As Heiau Builders - Kahalaopuna, Princess of Manoa (Mrs. E. M. Nakuina)
- The Punahou Spring (Mrs. E. M. Nakuina)
- Oahunui (Mrs. E. M. Nakuina)
- Ahuula: A Legend of Kanikaniula and the First Feather Cloak (Mrs. E. M. Nakuina)
- Kaala and Kaaialii: A Legend of Lanai (W. M. Gibson)
- The Tomb of Puupehe: A Legend of Lanai (From “The Hawaiian Gazette”)
- Ai Kanaka: A Legend of Molokai (Rev. A. O. Forbes)
- Kaliuwaa. Scene of the Demigod Kamapuaa’s Escape from Olopana (From “The Hawaiian Spectator”)
- Battle of the Owls (Jos. M. Poepoe)
- This Land is the Sea’s. Traditional Account of an Ancient Hawaiian Prophecy. (Translated from Moke Manu by Thos. G. Thrum)
- Ku-ula, the Fish God of Hawaii. (Translated from Moke Manu by M. K. Nakuina)
- Aiai, Son of Ku-ula. Part II of the Legend of Ku-ula, the Fish God of Hawaii. (Translated from Moke Manu by M. K. Nakuina)
- Kaneaukai: A Legend of Waialua. (Thos. G. Thrum)
- The Shark-man, Nanaue. (Mrs. E. M. Nakuina)
- Fish Stories and Superstitions. (Mrs. E. M. Nakuina)
Compiled by: Thos G. Thrum