During a school field trip to ‘Iolani Palace, Leilani learns about King Kalākaua and Queen Kapi‘olani’s enduring legacy of support for the Hawaiian people. Leilani is filled with gratitude. After falling asleep that night, she wakes to find herself back in old Hawai‘i with Queen Kap‘iolani who takes her on a short tour of Honolulu. Leilani gains a greater appreciation for the way Hawai‘i was and still is today due to the King and Queen’s contributions, protections, and stewardship.
Leilani Blessed and Grateful is Hawai‘i’s 2022 selection for the Library of Congress’ Great Reads from Great Places program.
Please visit leilaniblessed.com for more information and hawaiipublicradio.org to read an article and listen to an interview about Leilani Blessed and Grateful.
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