Misfit Spirit is a collection of entertaining, incisive and insightful writings that explores the issues and themes connected to religion in Hawaii. The more than sixty articles cover a wide range of topics that branch from the trunk of the different religious traditions.
Religion is like a tree nourished by warmth and sunshine (and darkness and despair). The leaves of religion bring shade and shelter to the various creatures gathered below; but the leaves may also block the view of the sky and the beauty above. Religion shapes—and is in turn shaped by—the vision and character of those who dwell under its branches.
Misfit Spirit looks at both the positive and negative aspects of all things religion in Hawaii and offers things to consider and reflect upon. Readers can then ponder which leaves of religion to tend to and which to let flutter to the ground.
Click Here for video by author Jay Sakashita introducing “Misfit Spirit”
- Reflections
- Religion Labels
- Autumn of My Life
- Buddhist Valentine
- We Are Stars
- Ode to Music and Religion
- Gold & Gods
- Beauty in Something Ugly
- Remarks
- Teaching Religion
- On the Bible
- Creation Stories
- Burying the Dead
- Cain & Abel
- Misinterpretations That Emerged From Noah’s Ark
- Big Daddy Abraham
- A Lot on Lot
- Suicide in the Bible
- God’s Name
- Mrs. God
- Satan
- Same Books; Different Ideas
- How Books Got into the New Testament
- On Buddhism
- Anatman
- Buddhism & Suffering
- A Buddhist Serial Killer
- The Soul in Buddhism
- The Buddha of Popularity
- Jizo
- The Merciful Bodhisattva
- A Hand in Mudras
- Cremation
- Buddhist Halloween
- Buddha Day
- Obon
- Buddhism & Violence
- The Buddha is a Musubi
- Chinese, Korean, and Japanese Buddhism
- Tibetan Buddhism
- American Buddhism
- On Christianity
- Christianities I
- Christianities II
- Christianities III
- How to Get to Heaven
- The Beloved Disciple
- The Real Reason for the Season
- Fake News; Real Consequences
- Jesus the Messiah
- What is so Traditional About Marriage?
- On Islam
- A Religion of Peace?
- Ramadan
- On Hinduism
- Holy Cow
- On Shinto
- Shinto Values
- Omamori
- Shichigosan
- Yakudoshi
- Eating Yourself
- Religion Rebel
- The Sports Gods
- The Disease and Cure of Religion
- Religion Awards
- Christians at Buddhist Funerals
- Heaven is a Place on Earth
- To Hell and Back
- Religion & Education
- Hawaii is Paradise